# Side Menu

# Introduction

The side menu in UnoPim allows developers to customize and extend the default menu items within the admin panel. By adding custom menu items, you can provide easy access to various sections and features specific to your package. This guide will walk you through the process of configuring the side menu for your custom package.

# Configure the side menu

To ensure that the side menu includes the necessary configuration, follow these steps:

# Create Configuration File:

  • Navigate to your package's source directory, typically located at packages/Webkul/Example/src.

  • Create a new directory named Config if it doesn't already exist.

  • Inside the Config directory, create a file named menu.php.

└── packages
    └── Webkul
        └── Example
            └── src
                ├── ...
                └── Config
                    └── menu.php

# Define Menu Items

Open menu.php and define your menu items using an array structure. Each item should include:

  • key Unique identifier for the menu item.
  • name Display name of the menu item.
  • route Laravel route name corresponding to the menu item.
  • sort Optional. Sort order for menu items.
  • icon Optional. CSS class for an icon associated with the menu item.

return [
        'key'   => 'examples',
        'name'  => 'Examples',
        'route' => 'example.menu.index',
        'sort'  => 2,
        'icon'  => 'icon-example',

# Define Routes

In your package's routes.php file, define the named route used inmenu.php as follows.

Route::get('/example', [ExampleController::class, 'index'])->name('example.menu.index');

# Adding a Custom Menu Icon

  1. Place Icon Font

    • Place your custom icon font (e.g., font.woff) in the assets/fonts/ directory of your package.
  2. Define Icon in Blade Template

    • Instead of creating a separate CSS file and running a build process, you can define the icon directly in the Blade template file (e.g., style.blade.php).


      .icon-example::before {
          content: "\e929";  /* Your Icon Code */
  3. Load CSS via Event in Service Provider

    • In your ExampleServiceProvider, listen for the unopim.admin.layout.head event to load the custom CSS in the main layout.


    public function boot()
       $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/views', 'example');
       Event::listen('unopim.admin.layout.head', function($viewRenderEventManager) {

# Merge Configuration:

In your package's service provider (ExampleServiceProvider), use mergeConfigFrom() to integrate your menu.php configuration with the core side menu.


namespace Webkul\Example\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class ExampleServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/menu.php', 'menu.admin'

# Optimize Application

Finally, run the following command to optimize your application:

php artisan optimize:clear

After completing these steps, your custom menu item (Examples) with its associated route and icon should appear within the admin panel of UnoPim.

# Level of side Menu

In UnoPim, the side menu offers three levels of navigation to organize and access different sections and features efficiently:

# First Level (Sidebar):

This level appears in the sidebar and contains the primary menu items. These are the main sections of the admin panel, such as Dashboard, Catalog.

# Second Level (Hover Menu):

When you hover over an item in the first-level sidebar menu, the second level appears. This level contains sub-items related to the main section, providing more specific options. For example, hovering over "Catalog" might show options like Products, Categories, and Attributes.

# Third Level (Tabs):

The third level is presented as tabs within the second-level menu item. When you select a sub-item from the second level, it might open a page with additional tabs for further navigation. These tabs allow for deeper, more granular control and management within a specific section, such as different tabs for managing various attributes of a product.

By utilizing these three levels of navigation, UnoPim ensures a structured and intuitive user interface, making it easier to manage complex administrative tasks.