# Plugin Development

# Plugin Development for Third-Party eCommerce Import/Export

UnoPim allows for flexible plugin development through a modular approach, and you can easily integrate external eCommerce platforms by building an import/export module within the plugin. These steps guide you through developing a third-party eCommerce plugin.

# Directory Structure Example

Below is a detailed example of how you can organize your plugin with a focus on import/export functionalities:

  └── Webkul
      └── Example
          └── src
              ├── Config
              │   ├── acl.php                   # Access control list configurations
              │   ├── exporter.php              # configuration the exporter
              │   ├── importer.php              # configuration the importer
              │   └── menu.php                  # Side menu configuration
              ├── Console
              │   └── Commands                  # Console commands for scheduling imports/exports
              ├── Contracts
              │   └── IntegrationContract.php   # Contract for third-party API integration
              ├── Database
              │   ├── Migrations                # Database tables for tracking imports/exports
              │   │   └── create_import_export_logs_table.php
              │   └── Seeders
              ├── Events                        # Event listeners for successful import/export
              ├── Helpers
              │   ├── Exporters
              │   │   └── Product
              │   │       └── Exporter.php      # Logic for exporting products to the third-party eCommerce
              │   └── Importers
              │       └── Product
              │           └── Importer.php      # Logic for importing products from the third-party eCommerce
              ├── Http
              │   ├── Controllers
              │   │   └── IntegrationController.php  # Controller to handle API requests
              │   ├── Middleware
              │   └── Requests
              ├── Listeners                     # Event listeners for handling background processes
              ├── Models
              │   ├── ImportExportLog.php       # Model for tracking imports/exports
              │   └── ImportExportLogProxy.php
              ├── Providers
              │   ├── IntegrationServiceProvider.php  # Registers services and binds the plugin into UnoPim
              │   └── ModuleServiceProvider.php
              ├── Routes
              │   └── routes.php                # API routes for import/export operations
              ├── Repositories
              │   └── IntegrationRepository.php  # Handles communication with third-party eCommerce APIs
              └── Resources
                  ├── assets
                  │   ├── images
                  │   │   └── integration-icon.png
                  │   ├── js
                  │   │   └── app.js
                  │   └── css
                  │       └── app.css
                  ├── lang
                  │   └── en.php                # Language translations
                  └── views
                      └── integration
                          ├── import.blade.php  # View for managing imports
                          ├── export.blade.php  # View for managing exports
                          └── index.blade.php   # View for dashboard of integration logs

# Key Components to Focus On:

  1. Config (Config/):

    • Set up configurations for access control and menu items, allowing users to access your import/export functionality within the UnoPim admin panel.
  2. Import/Export Logic (Helpers/):

    • Importer.php: This file will handle logic for retrieving product data from a third-party API and converting it into the format required by UnoPim.
    • Exporter.php: This file will handle the process of taking product data from UnoPim and exporting it to the third-party eCommerce system.
  3. Service Providers (Providers/):

    • IntegrationServiceProvider.php: Responsible for registering the services your plugin provides, like custom commands or background processes.
    • ModuleServiceProvider.php: Registers the plugin within UnoPim.
  4. HTTP Controllers (Http/Controllers/):

    • IntegrationController.php: Manages API requests to initiate the import/export process and responds with status updates.
  5. Database (Database/Migrations/):

    • Define migrations to create tables that log import/export events and results (e.g., import_export_logs table).
  6. Routes (Routes/):

    • Define API routes to handle requests for importing/exporting products (e.g., POST /integration/import).
  7. Console Commands (Console/Commands/):

    • Create CLI commands to automate the import/export process and allow scheduling through Laravel's task scheduler.

# Important Considerations:

  • API Integration: Your plugin will likely need to connect to third-party APIs (like Shopify, Magento, etc.) to fetch or send product data. Use Laravel's built-in HTTP client or other external libraries to interact with these APIs.

  • Data Mapping: When importing, ensure you map the third-party platform's product schema to UnoPim's data structure properly. Similarly, map UnoPim's data back when exporting.

  • Logging and Error Handling: Include robust logging for import/export activities, tracking errors or incomplete actions in the ImportExportLog model.

  • Event Handling: Make use of Laravel’s event system to handle triggers for post-import or post-export actions, such as notifying users or generating reports.

This structure ensures your plugin will be modular, organized, and easy to maintain while adding rich import/export capabilities to UnoPim.