# Contribution Guide

# Bug Reports

At UnoPim, we highly value active collaboration among our community members to continually enhance our platform's performance and reliability. To facilitate this collaborative effort, we extend a warm invitation to both report bugs and submit pull requests.

Rather than solely reporting bugs, we encourage you to take an active role in resolving issues by submitting pull requests containing fixes or negative test cases that effectively highlight the problem. This approach not only identifies issues but also provides practical solutions for their resolution.

When filing a bug report, we kindly request you to include a clear and descriptive title, along with a detailed description of the encountered problem. Additionally, please provide as much relevant information as possible, including a code sample that can reproduce the bug. Such comprehensive reports significantly expedite the troubleshooting process and enable swift resolution.

It is our collective goal to foster collaboration and find effective solutions to the challenges encountered. By actively participating in bug reporting, you not only engage fellow community members in problem-solving but also contribute significantly to the ongoing enhancement of the UnoPim project.

# Projects to Contribute

You can contribute to the following projects:

  • UnoPim
  • UnoPim docs

# Feature Requests

We welcome proposals for new features and enhancements to the existing UnoPim app. If you have a new feature in mind, please be prepared to contribute some of the code required to implement it.

# Branch Selection

Before submitting a pull request, it's important to consider the following points to help you choose the appropriate branch:

  • Bug Fixes: If you're fixing a bug, make sure to port the fix to the master version.
  • Critical Bug Fixes: If you're fixing a critical bug, make sure to port the fix to the latest stable version that supports it (currently v0.1.2).
  • Feature Requests: If your request involves a feature with potential breaking changes, send it to the master branch, which corresponds to the upcoming release (v0.1.x).

# Compiled Assets

To determine the sorting order for Tailwind CSS classes, consult the official Tailwind CSS documentation for guidelines on class organization. Additionally, consider using the Tailwind Raw Reorder extension for VS Code to streamline the sorting process.

# Tailwind Class Reordering

When making changes to blade files that utilize Tailwind CSS classes, it's essential to maintain consistency and organization. Tailwind CSS classes should be ordered according to a predefined structure to enhance readability and maintain a clean codebase.

To determine how Tailwind CSS classes should be sorted, refer to the official Tailwind CSS documentation for guidelines on class ordering.

Class Reordering (opens new window)

# Pint Tests

Pint tests are an essential part of ensuring the quality and reliability of code changes in UnoPim. When making changes to the code, ensure that all Pint tests pass before submitting your pull request.Before submitting your changes, run the Pint tests locally to verify that all test cases pass. It is important to confirm that the modifications do not cause any Pint test failures or regressions.

  • To run the Pint tests locally, execute the following command in your terminal:

# Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within UnoPim, please notify us immediately by sending an email to Webkul at support@webkul.in. We take security vulnerabilities seriously and will address them promptly.

# Coding Style

UnoPim follows the PSR-2 (opens new window) coding standard and the PSR-4 (opens new window) autoloading standard. These standards ensure consistency and readability in the codebase, similar to Laravel.

In addition to PSR-2 and PSR-4, here are some Laravel and UnoPim-specific coding practices that should be followed:

# 1. Naming Conventions

  • Classes: Use StudlyCaps for class names (e.g., ProductRepository).
  • Variables: Use camelCase for variable names (e.g., $productName).
  • Methods: Method names should be written in camelCase (e.g., getProductList()).
  • Constants: Use ALL_CAPS for constants (e.g., MAX_ITEMS).

# 2. Controllers

  • Keep controller methods small and focused. Follow the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).
  • Utilize resource controllers to manage CRUD operations efficiently.
  • Avoid placing business logic in controllers; instead, delegate it to service classes or repositories.

# 3. Models

  • Use Eloquent models appropriately. Avoid querying the database directly in the controller.
  • Leverage relationships between models to keep your queries clean and manageable.

# 4. Service Classes

  • Abstract your business logic into service classes where necessary. This helps keep controllers lean and maintainable.
  • Use dependency injection to keep your code flexible and testable.

# 5. Repositories

  • Follow the Repository Pattern to encapsulate database operations, making your code easier to test and refactor.

# 6. Validation

  • Use form request classes for validation to keep your controller logic clean.

# 7. Comments and Documentation

  • Follow the PHPDoc standard for documenting your code.
  • Ensure each function, class, and property has appropriate documentation explaining its purpose.

# 8. Security

  • Always sanitize input and validate data to prevent security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection or XSS attacks.
  • Use Laravel's built-in authentication and authorization mechanisms when applicable.

By adhering to these coding practices along with PSR standards, developers can ensure clean, maintainable, and scalable code within UnoPim.

# PHPDoc

Below is an example of a valid UnoPim doc block that follows the coding style:

 * Register a service with ExampleServiceProvider.
protected function registerFacades(string|array $loader, string|null $concrete = null, bool $shared = false): void