# Implementing Data Import

The data import functionality allows you to integrate and process external data into your application. In UnoPim, custom data imports can be achieved by creating importer classes that validate, process, and store incoming data. This guide walks you through the steps required to implement a custom data importer.

# Overview of the Steps

  1. Create Importer File: Create a dedicated importer file where the import logic will reside.
  2. Implement Importer Logic: Define how the data is validated and processed.
  3. Register the Importer: Configure UnoPim to recognize and utilize your custom importer.

# Step 1: Create the Importer File

To begin, create the directory structure for your import logic under the Helpers/Importers directory within your plugin. The structure should look like this:

└── packages
    └── Webkul
        └── Example
            ├── ...
            └── src
                └── Helpers
                    └── Importers
                        ├── ...
                        └── FileName
                            └── Importer.php

# Example:

  • Helpers/Importers: This is the folder where all import logic for the plugin will reside.
  • Importer.php: This file will contain the importer logic for the specific data type you're handling (e.g., products, tax rates).

# Step 2: Implement the Importer Logic

Once the Importer.php file is created, implement the logic to handle data validation and batch processing. The following is an example of how an importer can be structured for handling product imports, including validation and batch processing:

# Example Importer Logic:


namespace Webkul\Example\Helpers\Importers\Product;

use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Webkul\DataTransfer\Helpers\Import;
use Webkul\DataTransfer\Helpers\Importers\AbstractImporter;

class Importer extends AbstractImporter
    protected array $validColumnNames = [
        'identifier', 'is_zip_range', 'zip_code', 
        'zip_from', 'zip_to', 'state', 'country', 'tax_rate',

    protected array $messages = [
        self::ERROR_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_DELETE => 'data_transfer::app.importers.tax-rates.validation.errors.identifier-not-found',
        self::ERROR_DUPLICATE_IDENTIFIER => 'data_transfer::app.importers.tax-rates.validation.errors.duplicate-identifier',

    protected $permanentAttributes = ['identifier'];
    protected array $identifiers = [];

     * Validate the incoming data row by row
     * @param array $rowData
     * @param int $rowNumber
     * @return bool
    public function validateRow(array $rowData, int $rowNumber): bool
        if ($this->import->action == Import::ACTION_DELETE) {
            if (! $this->isIdentifierExist($rowData['identifier'])) {
                $this->skipRow($rowNumber, self::ERROR_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_DELETE);
                return false;
            return true;

        $validator = Validator::make($rowData, [
            'identifier' => 'required|string',
            'country'    => 'required|string',
            'tax_rate'   => 'required|numeric|min:0.0001',

        if ($validator->fails()) {
            foreach ($validator->errors()->getMessages() as $attributeCode => $message) {
                $this->skipRow($rowNumber, current($message), $attributeCode);

        return ! $this->errorHelper->isRowInvalid($rowNumber);

     * Process the import in batches
     * @param ProductContract $batch
     * @return bool
    public function importBatch(ProductContract $batch): bool
        if ($batch->import->action == Import::ACTION_DELETE) {
        } else {

        $batch = $this->importBatchRepository->update([
            'state'   => Import::STATE_PROCESSED,
            'summary' => [
                'created' => $this->getCreatedItemsCount(),
                'updated' => $this->getUpdatedItemsCount(),
                'deleted' => $this->getDeletedItemsCount(),
        ], $batch->id);

        return true;

     * Check if an identifier exists
     * @param string $identifier
     * @return bool
    public function isIdentifierExist(string $identifier): bool
        return $this->taxRateStorage->has($identifier);

# Key Functions Explained:

  1. validateRow():

    • This method validates each row of data to ensure it meets specific criteria (e.g., required fields, valid data types).
    • If the action is delete, it checks if the identifier exists in the system before deleting.
    • Uses Laravel's Validator to enforce field rules such as required values, valid numeric ranges, etc.
  2. importBatch():

    • This method processes the batch of data, either inserting new data, updating existing data, or deleting based on the action.
    • Handles the creation, updating, and deletion of records and generates a summary of what was processed.
  3. isIdentifierExist():

    • This helper function checks if a specific identifier exists in the system, which is important for actions like deletion.

# Step 3: Register the Importer

Now that the importer is created and the logic is defined, you need to register the importer so that UnoPim recognizes and can use it.

# Step 1: Create importer.php

In the Config directory of your plugin, create a new configuration file named importer.php. This file will contain the configuration for your importers.

Directory structure:

└── packages
    └── Webkul
        └── Example
            ├── ...
            └── src
                └── Config
                    └── importer.php

# Step 2: Define the Importer Configuration

In the importer.php file, define the configuration for your importer, specifying the importer class and other important settings like the title and sample file path.


return [
    'products' => [
        'title'       => 'data_transfer::app.importers.products.title',  // Display title for the importer
        'importer'    => 'Webkul\Example\Helpers\Importers\Product\Importer',  // Importer class
        'sample_path' => 'data-transfer/samples/products.csv',  // Path to a sample CSV file for users

# Step 3: Load the Configuration in the Service Provider

To make sure the configuration is loaded into the system, register it in your service provider using the mergeConfigFrom method. Add the following code to the register() method in your ExampleServiceProvider:

public function register()
        dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/importer.php', 'importers'

This ensures that the importer.php configuration is merged into the system, allowing UnoPim to recognize the importer.